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Presentation of Federal Budget Priorities

Presentation of Federal Budget priorities from the National Priorities Project

The Education Committee of the Peace and Justice Center is pleased to
present a two part program exploring the impact of federal budget priorities on living in Down East Maine.

The National Priorities Project, to be presented and discussed March 12, works for a U.S. federal budget that prioritizes peace, economic security, and shared prosperity. We encourage you to visit the National Priorities Project web site prior this event.

At the event, information from the web site will be shared, focusing on how the Federal budget impacts us in Maine.

The discussion will then focus on what we learned from the Feb 26 film, what we know about the status of peace, economic security, and shared prosperity in our communities and our nation, and what we can do individually and together to impact it.
Information about ZOOM links will be available through the Peace and Justice Center by February 15 or by RSVP'ing on Facebook

March 11

International Women's Day Rally to Defend Women's Rights

March 13

Peace & Justice Conversations: The Peace Movement and Native Communities