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Hungry Now Film Presented

Hungry Now is a documentary that brings the direct voices of “the hungry, the homeless and the helpers,” in a series of interviews with kids and adults who seem to walk their whole lives uphill, in a nation of wealth and promise. The film amplifies the voices of struggling children &; homeless adults, of food-insecure kids supported by parents &; teachers, of “shadow people” off the road. Voices you may never have heard before are featured. The stories are not what you expect: the Native American recalling a choice between school abuse or food; the young couple at the dumpster; the man in the dark hat by the abandoned gas station in Bangor, Maine; the man bundled into his wheelchair with everything he will ever own, by the Penobscot bridge, not asking you for a thing.

Directed & produced by Filmmaker/Composer Alan Kryszak, from the University of Maine at Machias and film crew and researchers Sam LaRusse, Nicholas Sanborn, Amanda Sawyer, Robin Hadlock Seeley, Hannah Somers-Jones, Suzie Milkowich, Aiyla Petty, Amanda Quinn, Megan Racila, & Beth Staples.

Following the film, there will be a discussion/question and answer period with the film maker, Alan Kryszak.

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March 1

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