October 2019

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October, 2019
The Tag Sale fundraiser was held at the Center on August 9,10, and 11. It raised $805.00. Many items were not sold and another sale was held with the remaining items at Kay Carter’s house in Hampden on September 28. This netted $640.00. Remaining items were given to Goodwill Industries. Special thanks go to all those who donated items for these sales. The response was excellent. Many people gave hours of their time in the pricing of items, setting up displays, manning the cash box, repackaging items for the 2nd sale and transporting them to the new set up location. Deep appreciation goes out to the following folks:
Katrina Bisheimer                                               Charlotte Holbrook
Daryl and Kay Carter                                    Samantha and Lizzie Le
Christina Diebold                                               Bill and Mary Phillips
Barb Friedman                                           Doug and Mary Poulin
Eric Goodale                                                    Mary Ellen Quinn
Mary Harlan                                                     Carol Veits

The Peace & Justice Center's 

When: November 9th at 6pm
Where: Hammond Street Congregational Church

Garden Thursdays are still going on!
October 3rd 9am-12pm
October 10th 9am-12pm
October 17th 9am-12pm

"Thursdays from 9:00-12:00! We'll work in the gardens, take care of the beds for our Chili Bed Battle, visit our Native Plants Garden, hang out and have some fun! Come for a bit, or for the whole time! We're a laid-back bunch and hope to see you out there!" -UMA Garden Team

Many thanks for the following donations in memory or honor of loved ones:

In honor of Silas Brogunier, from Michele Brogunier

Andrea Simoneau has served on the steering committee before, from 2017 to 2018, and has rejoined us again in July of 2019. She is the art director for the Peace and Justice Center, and has done a number of community mural projects with several partners, including Boys and Girls’ Club, The Salvation Army, The Shaw House, and community murals around Bangor’s public spaces. She is currently one of the coordinators of the UMA Food and Art Garden Labyrinth, which grows vegetables for six Bangor area food pantries, shelters, and food security programs. She is passionate about issues relating to food security, poverty, racial equity, and LGBTQ equity and ending violence in all its forms.   
Exciting news! P&JC is renovating our website. We are hoping to be done by Novemeber. Stay tuned by checking out the website peacectr.org  
The work of the Peace & Justice Center is supported by donors like you!  To contribute by mail, make a check out to Peace & Justice Center (or, if you wish your contribution to be tax deductible, make it out to ROSC) and mail to: 96 Harlow St, Suite 100, Bangor, ME 04401.
Donate Now!
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November 2019


September 2019