June 2019

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June, 2019
Support the P&J Center - Donate Now!

We would appreciate your participation!
Please join us for the P&J Center Annual General Assembly on June 15th6-8pm at the UU Church on Park Street in Bangor

The annual General Assembly give us the opportunity to consider and adopt new bylaws for the Peace and Justice Center; to elect members of the Steering Committee and commit to our goals going forward.We plan to have draft by-laws available for folks to read before that date. In addition to adopting new bylaws, the members will vote on a slate of candidates for the Steering Committee for the coming year. Members will receive an update on finances of the Center since our General Assembly meeting last November and hear about initiatives of the Center to increase the voice of activists from marginalized communities in the operation of the Center. The Center will need to receive feedback from you on the focus and direction of the Center.

As a member driven organization, your participation is key to the success of the Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine! Join us on June 15thand make your voice heard!

Many thanks for the following donations in memory or honor of loved ones:

In honor of Silas Brogunier, from Michele Brogunier

The work of the Peace & Justice Center is supported by donors like you!  To contribute by mail, make a check out to Peace & Justice Center (or, if you wish your contribution to be tax deductible, make it out to ROSC) and mail to: 96 Harlow St, Suite 100, Bangor, ME 04401.

Bangor Pride Festival

Bangor Pride is a week-long series of events held on the third week of June help to support and celebrate our local LGBTQ+ community!
For questions contact: pride@mainehealthequity.org
Learn about Iran

When: June 16th 6 p.m. - 8p.m.
Where: Peace and Justice Center
 96 Harlow
St. Bangor.

As war tensions with Iran ratchet up, Ridgely Fuller of Belfast will present a talk and photographs on her trip to that country in March with a CodePink at the Peace and Justice Center.
An activist for peace and social justice, Ridgely was one of 25 protesters arrested for blocking traffic at Bath Iron Works on April 27. For her act of civil disobedience she was incarcerated for 24 hours since she refused to pay a fine. During her visit to Iran she and other members of the delegation were able to meet
with government officials, students, shop owners, teachers, women leaders and Iranians out on the street.
CodePink is a woman-inspired peace and justice organization initiated in response to the U.S. invasion of Iraq in the belief that we should strive to end wars and bring
our tax dollars home to build a healthy and just society.
Donate Now!
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July 2019


May 2019