October 2021

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October 2021 E-Newsletter
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Update on the Center
Photo Credit: Sam Bullard
Volunteers and members helping us prepare for our transition to a new home.
It is the season of change, and the Peace & Justice Center is transforming with it. Due to the financial challenges the pandemic brought on, our organization is looking to relocate to a more sustainable space, which means parting with our current center on Harlow Street. The Unitarian Universalist Society of Bangor has been kind enough to give us a place while we search for a more permanent solution, and we look forward to working with them.

This past week we have settled into our space thanks to the help of some amazing members and volunteers that showed up. Whether it meant finding a home for precious artifacts of the center, packing, moving, or cleaning, every effort helped get us through. We are so appreciative of you!

If you are looking for more ways to assist us in this transitioning time, let us know of any decent local listings and donate to the effort via our Donorbox here. Our landline will be disconnected for the time being, so any communications with us can be sent through our email, peacectr@gmail.com, or via mail. Our new mailing address is as follows:

Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine
P.O. Box 2628
Bangor, ME 04401

We look forward to seeing how our center will grow with this transformation, and we thank you for all of your support. 

In Solidarity,
Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine
Rally for Abortion Justice
The Peace & Justice Center will be supporting Mabel Wadsworth Center's Rally for Abortion on Saturday, October 2nd at 11AM at Pierce Park (by the Bangor Public Library). MWC asks that all who attend wear a mask and socially distance at the event. The rally will have speakers and actions you can take to support abortion justice throughout the nation. 

Here is what Mabel Wadsworth Center has to say about the current situation our country is facing:
The Supreme Court has allowed Texas politicians to ban abortion after six weeks and anti-abortion politicians in other states are eager and ready to do the same. With more than 90 state restrictions enacted so far in 2021, this year is the worst on record for attacks on abortion care.
We envision a world where abortion is there when we need it without barriers based on who you are, where you live or how much money you earn. We won't back down! On October 2, the Women’s March and over 90 other organizations will be taking to the streets in all 50 states. Join us!

We look forward to seeing you then! Feel free to reach out to our Co-Program Director, Sam, with any questions at: peacectr@gmail.com.
Steering Committee
For several generations the Peace & Justice Center has been a leader in social justice, peace, and equality for our community, working to help our planet's most vulnerable and underrepresented individuals and groups. 

During this time, the Peace & Justice Center has gone through many transitions which have mirrored the those of our local and global citizens. With new leadership and the same values and vision of our founders, the Peace & Justice Center has relocated to a new space. We have also seen some of our most dedicated and committed members transition to new roles in the community and with their families providing support and advocacy for loved ones and those most vulnerable.

For these reasons, we are inviting members of the community to join our Steering Committee. The Steering Committee is responsible for implementing the vision and values of the Peace & Justice Center. We ensure that the organization's direction continues to organize and engage in initiatives that push forth peace, global justice, and equity for all.

If you are interested, please contact our Steering Committee Representative David Patrick at: david.g.patrick@maine.edu or 207-949-4397. David will be a liaison through this process and can answer any questions you have about the organization, the responsibility of steering committee members, current projects, and mobilization efforts of the Peace & Justice Center.
Education Committee
This fall the Peace & Justice Center's Education Committee will be exploring The Gatherings: Reimagining Indigenous-Settler Relations, a book by Shirley Hager and Mawopiyane. This book focuses on how Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples can come together to create meaningful and lasting relationships.

Thirty years ago, in Wabanaki territory – a region encompassing the state of Maine and the Canadian Maritimes – a group of Indigenous and non-Indigenous individuals came together to explore some of the most pressing questions at the heart of Truth and Healing efforts in the United States and Canada. Meeting over several years in long-weekend gatherings, in a Wabanaki-led traditional Council format, assumptions were challenged, perspectives upended, and stereotypes shattered. Alliances and friendships were formed that endure to this day.

We are excited to announce Ambassador Maulian Dana will be joining the discussion on November 21st! This is sure to be a wonderful opportunity. Book discussions will be held via Zoom and are scheduled as follows:
  • Oct 10th 6-7:30PM - General discussion (pgs. 1-120)
  • Oct 24th 6-7:30PM - Discussion with the authors (pgs. 131-182)
  • Nov 7th 6-7:30PM - General discussion (pgs. 183-END)
  • Nov 21st 6-7:30pm - Discussion led by Ambassador Maulian Dana
You can find copies of the book at the Maine State Library, Bangor Public Library, and Fogler Library. It is also available online as a PDF or for purchase.

Check out this brief article called "Tribal Sovereignty in the Dawnland" by Ambassador Maulian Dana to learn more about sovereignty in Maine.

If you would like to join us for these discussions, please email Kay Carter (Kaycarter08@gmail.com) or Doug Poulin (dugbug45@gmail.com) for the Zoom link. We look forward to seeing you there!
New P&JC Merch
Please Use Other Door's design (left), Rory Turnbull's design (center), and Olivia Baldacci's design (right) are available this month as shirts, stickers, and cards.
Last month the Peace & Justice Center hosted a Design Opportunity on the theme of "Community Justice." We received some beautiful submissions that have now been transformed into t-shirts and stickers!

You can now order your own shirts and stickers on our Teespring website: https://pjc-of-eastern-maine.creator-spring.com

Cards were not available on this site, but if you would like some made of one of these designs reach out to us at peacectr@gmail.com to request them.
Olivia Baldacci's design will also be available this month as shirts, stickers, and cards 
Thank you again to all the wonderful artists that participated! Your art deserves to be recognized and uplifted, and we appreciate having you in our community.

Click the button below to explore our new merch:
P&JC Merch
UMA Bangor Community Garden
Photo Credit: Kati Corlew
Rows of green beans fill the community garden with life.
The UMA Bangor Community Garden and Labyrinth continues to operate in partnership with the Peace & Justice Center. This beautiful, open space is located on the UMA Bangor Campus, behind the Fitness Center.

So far this season they have harvested over 450lbs of food, including tomatoes, kale and lettuces, edible flowers, yellow squash, green beans, kidney beans, garlic, onions, and pumpkins. This organic produce has been donated to the Bangor Area Homeless Shelter, the Health Equity Aliance pantry, Wabanaki Health and Wellness, the UMA Bangor Food for Thought food pantry, and to community members.
Photo Credit: Kati Corlew
Sunflowers, tomatoes, garlic, onions, and borage are seen decorating the garden high and low with color.
Though the garden group is not hosting their typical community events and activities, they have been active and operating during the pandemic. They meet twice a week for their gardening sessions, limited to 10 or fewer people who must follow COVID safety protocols. Volunteers come from UMA, the Peace & Justice Center, Maine Cooperative Extension’s Master Gardener Volunteers, and regular folks from the community who just want to come out and get their hands dirty.

Visit their Facebook Page here to learn more and to sign up to volunteer! No experience is necessary. We are all learners here.
Greater Bangor Housing Coalition
Sign On
This month the Greater Bangor Housing Coalition (GBHC) has taken some time to reflect on the values of their organization and set more distinct working subgroups. It has been a productive month that has helped the group refocus on their values and goals for the future. Keep your eye out for upcoming actions this month. If you haven't done so already, sign GBHC's "Bathrooms for Bangor" petition using the button above.

GBHC is also in search of physical donations to prep for the cold winter ahead. Some useful donations include: handwarmers, tents, feminine products, clothes, shoes, socks, hygiene supplies, water, menstrual products, and food for community meals. Direct funds are also invaluable. You can donate to GBHC here on their Donorbox or drop off physical donations to the Center.

The group meets every Saturday at 1:30PM in Pickering Square, with a rain location at the Unitarian Universalist Church. If you want to be part of this vital work you are welcome to join us in person or virtually. Email us at peacectr@gmail.com if you want the link, and follow the group’s progress on their Facebook group page.
No Penobscot County Jail Expansion
No Penobscot County Jail Expansion (NPCJE) along with the Peace and Justice Center were among over thirty local and statewide organizations that sent a letter to both Penobscot County commissioners and Bangor City Council members urging them to set aside a significant part of the money both governments are receiving from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). NPCJE is helping form a coalition around this action.

The coalition wants much of that money to go for human needs—especially more mental health treatment, substance use disorder programs, and affordable housing. Those three problems have been magnified during the pandemic. It is noticeable in the numbers living on the street and increases in arrests and jailings of people in the area. Yet, little or nothing is being done to address these larger problems.

The coalition, including groups as diverse as the Greater Bangor Housing Coalition, Wellspring, the BARN (Bangor Area Recovery Network), and Racial Equity & Justice, sponsored a successful media event on September 16 in downtown Bangor. It intends to put continued pressure on county commissioners and city councilors to set aside some or much of the ARPA funding--$29 million (county) and $20 million (city of Bangor)--for human needs. While some governments are using funds for their jails and police or high speed internet, the coalition wants money spent where it is needed most—to reduce the struggles of those most impacted by the pandemic.
More people are needed to attend NPCJE's and the new coalition's meetings and get involved as activities are scheduled. They're hoping to arrange or encourage public forums with municipal and county officials. For more information reach out to Doug Dunbar.

NPCJE's next meeting is Sunday, October 24th @ 4PM. For the Zoom link contact Doug Dunbar at: dougdunbar@yahoo.com or 207-299-5626. For more information on the group, check out their Facebook pagewebsite, or email them at nopenobscotjailexpansion@gmail.com.
Resources for Organizing and Social Change
Join Resources for Organizing and Social Change and host poet Carol Bachofner at 6:30PM on Thursday, October 7th for a community poetry reading exploring themes of resistance and resilience. This will be a virtual event hosted on Zoom. The link can be found here.

ROSC also recently published an impacted community report that explores the root causes of hunger and poverty, and offers a review of a legislative plan created to end hunger in Maine by 2030. That report can be found here.

You can learn more about ROSC and their ongoings via their website.
Find Us on Social Media
We will be sharing more of our ongoings on our website and all of our media platforms. Follow us here on Facebook and Instagram

For more information, email us at: peacectr@gmail.com.
We will continue to monitor the State of Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines and use them to inform our decisions on meetings, gatherings, and any and all safety matters or measures. We request that anyone entering the center continues to wear a face covering.
For more information regarding community and statewide resources, please visit the links below:
Copyright © 2019 Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine| All rights reserved.

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November 2021


September 2021