February 2020

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February 2020
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Speaking up against racism to Penobscot County commissioners

"To Peace and Justice Center supporters,

About ten people from various local groups spoke to Penobscot County Commissioners today to urge them to pro-actively offer a statement of welcome to potential refugees who might want to move to the Bangor area. Another did not speak but did offer support to the speakers. Previously, commissioners had stated they were waiting for a court ruling on whether any governments had an option of refusing to invite refugees into their communities. 

The commissioners did vote unanimously for a statement of welcome. The exact wording will be published in future minutes of their January 28 meeting. 

A small victory, but one we can celebrate. Thanks to all who came today."
-Larry Dansinger

Please contact Larry if you want to get involved or support the group's important work!
(207) 262-3706 or larryd@myfairpoint.net

Program directors of The Peace and Justice Center are also cofounders of a local Bangor organization, Racial Equity and Justice. R.E.J provides resources and services for individuals, communities, & organizations while empowering Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities through different avenues of advocacy. One of many services they provide is state certified continuing education unit diversity and inclusion trainings.

The Peace and Justice Center has hyper focused on diversity and inclusion within the Center through trainings and diversity plan implementation while centering the voices of people with diverse identities on the decision making table and community organizing. We are excited to continue this work that supports multiculturalism within activist and other community spaces. 

The Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine strives for a better world of peace, human rights, economic justice, and sustainable environment.

Please visit https://www.peacectr.org to see what groups are meeting at the Center, what we have been up to, and email us any inquiries on how to get involved.

The Peace and Justice Center has welcomed three new members to our Steering Committee:

Emma Cowing, John Bapst student, local activst, and youth organizer. 

Lokotah Sanborn, community organizer, artist, musician, Indigenous rights advocate of Penobscot Nation. 

Larry Dansinger, community organizer, NGO founder, social and economic justice advocate/activist, prison reformation and advocate
Education Event
Presentation by Vietnam veteran and peace activist Dud Hendrick, "The American Military -- Scourge of the Planet?" at 6 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 16, at the Center
Bangor Bus Hub Stays In Pickering Square!

If you want to be more involved with issues like this please join Transportation For All 

Who: Transportation for All is a group of bus riders, drivers and community members, supported by a coalition of local organizations: Food AND Medicine, Faith Linking in Action, Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 714, Power in Community Alliances and Eastern Maine Labor Council

Why: Public transit is key to creating access to jobs and services, making sure all residents of our region can participate fully in public life, attracting people and businesses to our region and slowing the effects of climate change through reducing car travel. Transportation for All’s report shows the importance of evening bus service and other system improvements to make our region even more vibrant, equitable and sustainable.


Many thanks for the following donations in memory or honor of loved ones:

In honor of Silas Brogunier, from Michele Brogunier

The work of the Peace & Justice Center is supported by donors like you!  To contribute by mail, make a check out to Peace & Justice Center (or, if you wish your contribution to be tax deductible, make it out to ROSC) and mail to: 96 Harlow St, Suite 100, Bangor, ME 04401.
Donate Now!
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July 2020


January 2020