February 2019

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February, 2019
Support the P&J Center - Donate Now!

P&J Center Interim Program Coordinator Desiree Vargas speaking to press at the 2019 Womxns March.  Photo by Nik Sparlin.

What has happened at the Peace and Justice Center since the November General Assembly

Many folks attended the November 10 General Assembly at which time the Steering, Ad Hoc, and Education Committees brought folks up to date on the Center. Several serious stressors and possible solutions were addressed: the finances of the Center, the need for volunteers to help out, the staffing and space at the Center, the organizational structure of the Center. People listened and made commitments to participate in teams and to help raise funds for the Center. They were very clear about the value of and need for the Center’s work, the desire to have full staffing, and, as long as financially feasible, maintain the space we have on Harlow Street.

With that encouragement, those who brought the issues forward reviewed the ‘I can Help’ forms that people filled out, looked at the immediate needs of the Center, and have been developing the structure to move forward.

Finances: Folks listened and have responded. Our membership and donor revenue is now slightly above where it was last year at this time. If this continues, it is anticipated that we will be more fiscally solvent than we have been in the past and that the work of the Center will go forward. The Steering Committee is reviewing this on a monthly basis and will let you know if the situation changes. A Fundraising Team has been established to look for creative ways to broaden our income stream, with Samantha Le as chair. Those who expressed an interest in fundraising at the General Assembly have been invited to join the work group. If you have an interest in this and haven’t been contacted, please contact Samantha (Samantha2020le@gmail.com).

Staffing: At the time of the General Assembly, Karen Marysdaughter and Desiree Vargas were the staff members at the Center, Karen working 15 hours/week and Desiree working 10 with a focus on the A.J. Muste grant. Karen has decided to reduce her work time to 5 hours a week as of the end of January, and will step down in June. A committee was established to hire an interim program coordinator until June. We are pleased to announce that Desiree will be the interim coordinator, starting 1/16/19. Karen will be available to train Desiree and help in the transition. Desiree brings experience in community organizing and a wealth of energy and ideas for the ongoing work of the Center. She will work 20 hours a week. We anticipate that the Center will develop one more 10-hour position to be hired toward the beginning of March. That person will work closely with Desiree and will focus on coordination and organizing in the community.

Program Development: Many expressed interest in helping to develop and coordinate programs at the Center, such as the film series and panel discussions. They have been invited to join the Education Committee.

Membership development: This work group is under development. More information will be available about that group in the next newsletter.

If you are interested in helping out at the Center, please give a call to Desiree at 942-9343.

Doctrine of Christian Discovery: 
Colonial Repression of Indigenous Peoples

Presentation by John Dieffenbacher-Krall on February 17
Few people know of the outsized role played by several 15thcentury papal bulls that encouraged Christian nations to subjugate and dispossess the non-Christian peoples of their lands in countries “discovered” by European explorers. The bulls gave license to genocide, land theft and slave trafficking that endures to this day.
In 1823 the Christian Doctrine of Discovery was adopted into U.S. law by the Supreme Court in the case of Johnson v. M’Intosh and became the cornerstone of U.S. Indian policy, depriving Native Americans of basic rights.
John Dieffenbacher-Krall will speak on the need to expunge the Doctrine of Discovery at 6 p.m. Sunday, February 17, at the Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine, 96 Harlow St., Bangor.
Dieffenbacher-Krall served as executive director for the Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission for 12 and a half years. He chairs the Episcopal Diocese of Maine Committee on Indian Relations, and has preached in churches representing seven different religious denominations about the need to counter the pernicious effects of the Doctrine of Discovery.

Support for asylum seekers

Thanks to all the Peace & Justice Center members and supporters who recently donated clothing and supplies for asylum seekers at the border!  A shipping pallet's worth of goods is headed to organizations at the border to distribute. Special thanks to Andrea Simoneau, the P&J Center Art Coordinator, who coordinated the collection of items, as well as to Andrew Williams, Samantha Le, and Robert Sypitkowski for help with sorting and packing.  And more special thanks to Robert for final packing and financing the shipping of collected goods to the border (with an additional donation from Bill & Mary Phillips).  We are not currently taking more donations at the moment, but stay tuned.

Local Indigenous activist Dawn Neptune Adams is traveling to the border any day now.  She says, "My daughter and I are headed to Somi S'ek, the Indigenous and Veteran's Camp. The bulldozers have already arrived to dig up a corridor for Trump's wall, and a Sacred Burial ground is directly in the path. The Carrizo Comecrudo tribe has also set up a kind of triage on both sides of the border to care for the 15,000 asylum-seekers on their way here; hoping to enter through Texas."  If you are able to financially support Dawn's trip to stand with Indigenous groups at the border, let the P&J Center know.  We are hoping to have regular communication with Dawn during her time there, to share with local supporters, so keep an eye on our FaceBook page, email alerts, and website.

Many thanks for the following donations in memory or honor of loved ones:

In honor of Silas Brogunier, from Michele Brogunier

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March 2019


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