April 2019

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April, 2019
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Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women Education Event:

When: April, 14'th from 6pm-8pm
Where: Peace & Justice Center

The Facts: 
“The U.S Department of Justice found that American Indian women face murder rates that are more than 10 times the national average.
Homicide is the 3rd leading cause of death among 10-24 years of age and the fifth leading cause of death for American Indian and Alaska Native women between 25 and 34 years of age. – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Homicide”
The absence of consistently reported information on this national issue is not only concerning, but detrimental in being able to have a true understanding in how huge this problem is and how to fix it. Thousands of Indigenous women annually are missing and raped without report, statistics, or justice. Although there has been recent pressure by Indigenous communities to pass bills to help find our women and get justice, there is still much work to do and awareness to be spread.

The Objective: This event is to help spread awareness about MMIW and what we can do about it locally. This is an educational event that will help others be more informed on how MMIW is a national problem that is tied together with racism, environmental destruction, environmental racism, and sexism. 
Earth Day Festival!

For more info contact the Food & Medicine office at 
or email darcy@foodanmedicine.org

Many thanks for the following donations in memory or honor of loved ones:

In honor of Silas Brogunier, from Michele Brogunier

The work of the Peace & Justice Center is supported by donors like you!  To contribute by mail, make a check out to Peace & Justice Center (or, if you wish your contribution to be tax deductible, make it out to ROSC) and mail to: 96 Harlow St, Suite 100, Bangor, ME 04401.
Transitioning to a Sustainable Maine Panel
When: April 28'th from 6-8pm
Where: Peace & Justice Center
"Transitioning to a Sustainable Maine" will be the topic Sunday. Panelists will be climate activist Andy Burt, who will show a short film, "Roadtrip to Maine's Future"; David Kelly of EcoHomes; and Adam Barker-Hoyt of MAC Heat Pumps.

Down to Earth’s new film “Maine Roadtrip to the Future” is available now!

Searching for hope in these times of climate emergency and despair, the film producer makes a roadtrip across Maine where people of all ages and backgrounds…individually, in businesses, or as municipalities…are creating the resilient communities they want to live in. Solar and other renewable energy, local food systems, clean transportation all figure into the accelerating transition to a sustainable future for Maine and beyond.

Climate Crisis Demands Conversion!
A coalition of groups across Maine, including the Peace & Justice Center, have initiated a petition campaign calling on Maine's elected representatives at the national, state and municipal level to convert production at Bath Iron Works from warships to sustainable energy technology.  
Their message: “Whereas, the greatest security threat faced by people in Maine and globally is climate change; Whereas, the Pentagon has the largest carbon footprint on the planet; Whereas, building weapons prepares for war rather than investing in non-violent resolution of conflicts; Whereas, building expensive weapon systems impoverishes social programs including health care, education, public transportation and housing; Therefore, we call on you, our elected officials, to redirect funds from building warships at Bath Iron Works to instead build sustainable energy solutions to address the crisis of climate change.”

You can join this effort by signing the online petition and coming to Bath Iron Works on Saturday, April 27 for a protest of the next warship “christening.”  The Group plans to to line up along the Washington St. sidewalk in Bath just across from the post office on the north end of the shipyard at 8:30 am with signs, banners and literature. Gates for those ‘invited’ to the christening will open at 9:00 am.  A small group is considering doing a ‘civil resistance’ action on that day.

We urge those bringing signs or banners on April 27th to please consider making the theme around the conversion of the shipyard to build commuter rail, wind turbines, tidal power systems and other sustainable technologies to help us deal with our real problem – climate change.

FMI:  globalnet@mindspring.com

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May 2019


March 2019